Web Policies
The design and content of active public Internet pages accessible via the uapb.edu domain are subject to review and approval by the Web Administrator.
All areas affiliated with the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff must located at the main domain, uapb.edu.
Every UAPB academic department and administrative office with an active public webpage (or pages) accessible via the uapb.edu domain must review that page (or pages) before the beginning of each semester or summer session to ensure the information is accurate and up-to-date.
Every dean, academic department chair and administrative office head is responsible for certifying each review, which may be conducted by a staff member or committee appointed for that purpose.
Every dean, academic department chair and administrative office head is also responsible for appointing a designated Web Content Provider (WCP) responsible for submitting revision’s and/or updates for the departments web pages.
Failure to follow these policies may result in the removal of any unauthorized or incorrect information posted on the uapb.edu domain.
Web Page Levels of Content and Responsibility Dropdown format
University Web pages contain official university information and are in direct support of the university’s mission. Examples include but are not limited to the catalog, faculty/student handbook, university directory and information about the campus, financial aid, admissions and institutional advancement.
All information found on other domains is considered to be unofficial information and cannot be claimed as official university policy.
Departmental Web pages include information encouraged by the university but maintained by web content provider. All departmental Web pages are in direct support of the university’s mission. Examples include but are not limited to academic departments, student services, campus events, athletics, administration, and other informational resources. Information on these pages is submitted by the Online Content Providers (OCM) in each department with technical services support as needed. Information on these pages is the responsibility of the department head/chair and their OCM. Departments are encouraged to conform to applicable university Web design standards.
Use of University Web Pages Dropdown format
University and departmental Web pages must be informative and consistent with the mission of the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff. University policies and regulations must be adhered to. University Web servers may not be used for any activity prohibited by law.
Any person or group approving Web pages information must be aware of and follow university policies regarding confidentiality, harassment and computer usage. University OCMs are not permitted to use copyrighted images, text, or software without written, documented permission.
Social Media Policies Dropdown format
The official social media sites for the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff are as follows:
Facebook – facebook.com/uapinebluff
Twitter – twitter.com/uapbinfo
YouTube – youtube.com/uapbtelevision
WordPress – uapbnews.wordress.com
Instagram – instagram.com/uapb
SoundCloud – soundcloud.com/uapb
Use the acronym of the institution in your name, handle and hashtags (see example)
UAPB Office of Recruitment
UAPB Historians
Be Clear
Don’t put any spin on your information. Your content is reflective of the institution. Don’t retweet or share unreliable information.
Be Objective
You may be contacted about issues and concerns about your area. Resolve complaints and grievances, don’t become the source of them.
Be Consistent
Add engaging content on a regular basis. Visitors will only check as often as you post.