Cost Containment Strategies
Implemented to Accommodate Appropriation Shortfalls
The University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff utilized a variety of cost cutting measures with much attention given to doing so without sacrificing quality as much as possible:
- February 12, 2009 – Instituted a hiring freeze (see Attachment I)
- October 29, 2009 – Froze all state funded travel (see Attachment II)
- January 20, 2010 – Froze all E & G expenditures (see Attachment III)
- January 22, 2010 – Froze all spending, vacant positions, supplies, travel (see Attachment IV)
- January 22, 2010 – Reduced number of adjunct faculty to be used (see Attachment IV)
- Did not increase faculty and non-classified staff salaries.
- Assigned additional duties to several administrators.
- Implemented energy saving strategies such as installation of light controls and multi-building cooling system.
- The teaching load for all full-time undergraduate faculty have been increased to 15 hours per semester. Full-time graduate faculty teaching loads have been increased to 12 hours per semester.
These strategies have enabled us to maintain operations; however, further reduction could seriously impact UAPB’s ability to accomplish mission goals.
Attachment I
Date: February 12, 2009
As we observe the economic challenges faced by the nation and the rapid decline in the number of employees in various arenas, it is prudent for us to proceed with much caution so that we may maintain viability. Consequently, I am declaring a hiring freeze effective immediately. Any exceptions must have prior approval by my office.
Your usual cooperative spirit is appreciated.
Attachment II
Date: October 29, 2009
I know that you are aware that the economy of our nation is in a state of recession. Educational institutions, including UAPB, are not exempt. Recently, we were mandated to decrease our current budget by another $512,030.00. This may not be the final reduction for the current year. Consequently, we are freezing all positions currently unfilled and state funded travel. Any critical need for exception must be presented to me for consideration.
Please know that the situation is critical and future revenue decreases will necessitate a reduction in the work force at UAPB.
Attachment III
Date: January 20, 2010
Because of the budget challenge we currently face, effective immediately all E & G expenditures are frozen (this does not include auxiliaries). Any critical emergency expenditure must have prior approval.
Attachment IV
Date: January 22, 2010
The conservative budget which was implemented at the beginning of this fiscal year has been seriously impacted by the subsequent reductions. In order to meet the challenge, UAPB has frozen all spending, vacant positions, supplies, travel, etc. and all other operational costs which can be discontinued. Only critical needs having prior approval will be allowed. Also, we decreased adjunct faculty cadre which in turn reduces services to students. Should the current conditions continue then serious accreditation issues may emerge.