Welcome to Student Health Services
Our staff is committed to the concepts of wellness and prevention and to providing a quality treatment for your physical needs. We encourage you to visit the Student Health Services not only when you are ill or injured, but also when you have questions or concerns about any health and wellness issues. Good health is an essential part of a successful educational experience.
Using a collaborative approach toward the total student development, the mission of Student Health Services is to ensure students who use this facility maintain an optimal level of health.
The center is staffed by a Professional Registered Nurse, and a Secretary. Also, a Reproductive Registered Nurse Practitioner provides Women’s Health Services, the 4th Thursday each month thru partnership with the local County Health Unit.
Keeping You Healthy
Due to increased precautions surrounding respiratory viruses, UAPB Student Health Services is upholding it’s commitment to keeping you and others safe by introducing some new safeguards for our students.
We respectfully ask that before traveling to the clinic for symptoms such as high fever, cough, or shortness of breath, please contact us first at (870) 575-7106. We can then discuss your symptoms with you and address any concerns over the phone to determine if a visit, or further testing, is necessary.
You may also message the nurse via healthservices@uapb.edu. Messages will be answered in the order they are received during normal business hours.
First Appointment/ Visit
- Have your student photo ID ready when checking-in.
- Bring a copy of your insurance card if you have insurance.
- Minor Consent Form
We ask that all parents of UAPB students who are under the age of 18, please complete this form found here.
Thank you for assisting us with this task.
Available Hours:
No appointment needed. Student ID required
Monday-Friday; 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
After Hours Emergencies: UAPB Public Safety (870) 575-8102
Jefferson Regional Medical Center (870) 541-7100
Contact Information:
Director of Student Health Services Belinda Holmes, Registered Nurse
Joyce Scott, Administrative Specialist II
Phone: (870) 575-7106
Fax: (870) 575-4677
Office of Student Health Services
1200 N. University/Browne Infirmary, Mail Slot 4965
Pine Bluff, Arkansas 71601
Student Health Services maintains strict HIPAA guidelines. All information obtained from students is confidential. Patient information will not be given to parents, teachers, etc. without prior consent and authorization from the student. For any questions or concerns, please contact Student Health Services.