Longitudinal Assessment Transition Points
Entry Level
Entry Level assessments include information provided to the University through the application process and initially entered into our Student Information System. These assessments include college entrance exam scores (ACT, SAT), high school GPA, class rank, and demographic data. The University College is the academic unit responsible for monitoring student performance on entrance examinations and placement in developmental courses designed to remove academic deficiencies. Section 19 of Act 1052 of the 1987 Arkansas Legislature requires all state-supported colleges and universities to institute a Freshmen Assessment and Placement Program.
Mid Level
In early 2018, the Office of Assessment recommended that the ETS Proficiency Profile replace the discontinued CAAP exam as the institution’s mid-level assessment (i.e. rising junior exam). The Proficiency Profile was first administered during spring 2018. The ETS Proficiency Profile tests the same skill areas as the CAAP exam, including reading, writing, math, natural sciences, humanities (i.e. arts & literature), and social sciences. Unlike the discontinued CAAP exam, the Proficiency Profile also provides an assessment of Critical Thinking
Exit Level
Learning outcomes related to discipline-specific knowledge are assessed with Senior Assessments. Comprehensive Examinations are administered within Departments or degree programs. Scantron answer sheets, along with a key, are brought to the Assessment Office. Answer sheets are scored, and the data, in electronic format, are returned to the degree program or Department. The Comprehensive Examination is divided into sections related to knowledge, skill, or competency areas, such that performance on the exam can be traced back to mastery of specific competency areas. Some academic units are using standardized tests generated by accrediting agencies or other professional entities in place of a Comprehensive Examination. For example, the School of Education is using the ETS® Praxis II exam and the School of Business is using the Peregrine Academic Services standardized exam in Business Administration and Accounting. These types of standardized exams serve the same purpose as the Comprehensive Examination. The Assessment Office receives electronic scores from these standardized exams, which could be linked back to performance at other transition points using the Student ID as the common database element. A Senior Assessment can also take the form of a Senior Project. Departments must construct a rubric with 4 levels of accomplishment for each knowledge, skill, or competency demonstrated by the Senior Project. The Senior Project will be assessed according to the rubric, using a Scantron sheet. Scantron assessment sheets are brought to the Assessment Office. Assessments are scored, and the data, in electronic format, are returned to the degree program or Department.
Follow Up Level
Follow up assessment takes the form of a satisfaction surveys of alumni. Satisfaction surveys assess alumni’s preparation for life, the world of work and/ or graduate studies. They measure programs and extra-curricular activities and their effects on the achievement of learning outcomes vital to a student’s complete development. Although satisfaction surveys are a transition point assessment, they are not tied to the other transition point assessments through a student ID. Nevertheless, they are an integral part of assessing whether academic units are producing graduates competitive in the job market and in graduate school.