SAFHS Office of Communications

UAPB-SAFHS Leadership Updates

Dr. Obadiah M. Njue has been appointed as interim dean and director for the School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences (SAFHS) at the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, according to Dr. Bruce McGowan, interim vice chancellor for academic affairs at UAPB and former interim dean for SAFHS. Dr. Yathish Ramena has been appointed to interim assistant dean for Extension and outreach in addition to his role as director of UAPB’s Aquaculture and Fisheries Center of Excellence.


  • Annual Reports

    We take PRIDE in our impact on the community, region and world. View SAFHS Annual Reports here to review our...
  • Useful Forms

    For your convenience, here are some forms you may need for writing impact statements, publishing Extension publications or obtaining a...
  • SAFHS Publications

    4-H Baitcasting and Game Fish Identification 4-H Reel Into Sport Fishing: County, District and State Level Competitions Algal Blooms, Scums...

Useful Forms

For your convenience, here are some forms you may need for writing impact statements, publishing Extension publications or obtaining a model release form. If you have additional questions in regard to services provided by the UAPB-SAFHS Office of Communications, contact:

Deseray McKinzy
Extension Specialist – Communications Manager
School of Agriculture, Fisheries and Human Sciences
Phone: (870) 575-8227

Impact Submission Form

Publications Submission Form

SAFHS Model Release Form

SAFHS Publications

4-H Baitcasting and Game Fish Identification
4-H Reel Into Sport Fishing: County, District and State Level Competitions
Algal Blooms, Scums and Mats in Ponds
Aquaculture Alternatives in Arkansas
Aquaponics in Arkansas: Potential Permits and Licenses
Aquatic Vegetation Control in Arkansas
Arkansas Farm Pond Management Calendar
Asian Soybean Rust Fungicides and Aquatic Organisms
Assessment of Storm Water Runoff Issues in Pine Bluff, White Hall, the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff and Jefferson County, An
Balancing Rations for Sheep and Goats
Beef Cattle Identification
Body Condition Scoring of Sheep
Control of Bullfrogs and Their Tadpoles on Commercial Fish Farms
Coping With Fire Ants
Cost of Regulations on Producers of Baitfish and Sportfish in Arkansas
Costs of Raising Largemouth Bass Fingerlings
Desbloqueo de Propiedad de Herederos:¿Qué Puedes Hacer?
Environmental Issues for Small Swine Farmers
Farm Pond Management for Recreational Fishing
Fecal Egg Counting for Sheep and Goat Producers
Feeding Ewes to Maximize Reproductive Success
Fresh Market Southern Pea Production in South Arkansas
Introduction to Goat Reproduction
Is Aquaponics for You? Realities and Potentials for Arkansas
Lamb Brothers System of Container Gardening
Lesser Scaup Predation on Arkansas Baitfish and Sportfish Farms
Managing Perinatal Mortality in Lambs
Managing the Kidding Season
Money Saving Ideas for Livestock Producers
Nutrition and Feeding of Baitfish
Nutritional and Medicinal Qualities of Sweetpotato Tops and Leaves
Pesticide Spray Drift and Misuse Reporting Procedures
Public Drinking Water Quality and Regulatory Guidelines That Impact Human Health
Recognizing, Understanding and Treating Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)
Repairing and Upgrading Older Classroom Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Selection and Culling Decision Making for Hair Sheep Producers
Stock Enhancement as a Fishery Management Tool for Largemouth Bass
Understanding Your Fish Pond Water Analysis Report
Understanding and Maintaining Older Classroom Recirculating Aquaculture Systems
Unlocking Heirs’ Property: What Can You Do?
Using Goats for Brush Control as a Business Strategy
Watermeal and Duckweed Control in Arkansas Ponds
Winter Drawdown for Aquatic Weed Control and Pond Management
Wireworm Control in Sweet Potato
Year-Round Home Garden Planting Chart