
English Humanities & Foreign Languages


UAPB Joined Over 1 Million Readers in 39th National African American Read-In

The Department of English, Humanities, and Foreign Languages at UAPB joined over one million readers in the National African American Read-In (AARI) during its 39th annual UAPB African-American Read-In held at the John Brown Watson Memorial Library’s auditorium on February 29, 2024. The program participants included Mr. Henry Brooks, Ms. Jackie Faucette, Ms. Mary Debra Hester Clifton (published works), Ms. Beverly James (published works), Ms. Portia Jones, Ms. Mary Parker, and Mr. Kevin Sanders.


Study abroad opportunities

Each year our students have study abroad opportunities to expand their language acquisition skills.

Hands-on literacy activities

Students can actively engage in literacy activities with hands-on work with local community partners.

Career skills

Students are prepared for communication skills that help them excel across a variety of career fields.

Degree Options

University of Arkansas Pine Bluff