Thesis Presentation, Defense, and Submission
All students planning to defend their thesis will have an advisory committee meeting to determine if research is sufficient, all courses on the plan of study have been taken/successfully passed, and the thesis draft is in satisfactory condition for defense. The advisory committee also shall serve as the thesis defense committee. The entire advisory committee must be given sufficient time to review and approve the thesis for defense prior to scheduling the defense. The thesis will be presented to the public in a seminar format with the aid of computer presentation tools such as Microsoft PowerPoint.
The thesis defense must be scheduled and advertised two weeks before the intended presentation date. The student will give a 30~45 minute overview of their research and results followed by audience questions. The presentation and questions will last no longer than one to two hours. The meeting at which the thesis is presented, and defended also, serves as the student’s final oral comprehensive examination over any or all aspects of the student’s master’s program.
Upon completion of the thesis defense, the student will be excused while the advisory committee determines the outcome of the defense (Pass or Fail). Passing the thesis defense requires majority committee agreement. The advisory committee may elect to pass a student with conditions such as recommending minor changes to their thesis. The student will be notified immediately following the thesis defense of their success or failure and the changes the must be made before the thesis will be given final written approval by the committee. The chair of the student’s advisory committee will provide written notification of the defense outcome to the student.
In the event that the student fails the thesis defense, the student may elect to defend a second and final time at least 30~60 days after the initial thesis defense. In the event that the student fails the second defense, the student will be dismissed from the program.
On the form on which the chairperson of the student’s advisory committee reports the results of the thesis defense, the chairperson also reports the results of the comprehensive examination, including a brief synopsis of the examination. These signatures indicate that all proposed research is satisfactory and all suggested changes have been satisfied and that the thesis is complete.