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Conflict Resolution

The Office of Dean of Student Life and the Office of Residential Life provides conflict resolution services to students in order to aid them in effective conflict resolution processes and develop students' abilities to handle conflict effectively. The conflict resolution services provide students an avenue to address and resolve interpersonal conflicts which may include but is not limited to conflicts between roommates, suitemates, and friends.

Students can utilize conflict resolution services by contacting the Office Dean of Student Life by phone at 870-575-8361 or email at or Office of Residential Life by phone at 870-575-7256 or email or at the front desk at each residential hall.

Engage in Discussion

If a disagreement between students occurs, students are encouraged to set up a time when all individuals involved can be present to discuss the issue causing the disagreement. The following are best practices for holding a discussion:

  • Meet in a neutral location
  • Meet at a time in which you are neither hungry nor tired
  • Intend to compromise
  • Define the issues to be discussed
  • Address specific behaviors; do not generalize
  • Discuss only the facts
  • Use "I" statements; take responsibility for the way you feel and don’t place blame on others
  • Practice active listening skills
  • Ask clarifying questions
  • Only one person should speak at a time
  • Voices should remain calm
  • Request Mediation

Students who want to take advantage of conflict resolution services in the Office of Dean of Student Life or the Office of Residential Life may speak with the Residential Specialist or Resident Assistant in the residential halls or contact the Office of Dean of Student Life or the Office of Residential Life directly to ask about how to take advantages of those resources.


During mediation the Office of Dean of Student Life or the Office of Residence Life staff  or appointee will serve as a Mediator to help students improve their relationships, clarify their future plans, and resolve the dispute, but will not seek to impose a binding solution. The Mediator will facilitate the meeting’s structure and progress to help students develop a move-forward or future plans for their relationship. The implementation of the students’ solution will detail the specific responsibilities of all students involved in writing. The plan for conflict resolution may include but is not limited to the following components:

  • Provide a framework for carrying out the resolution
  • Define how to ensure that all parties are following through
  • Provide alternative ways of handling the dispute if it should continue
  • Provide follow-up resources
  • Provide a timeline for review with the Mediator to ensure the success of resolution
  • Please contact Residential Specialist at the front desk of the residential halls for questions about room changes.



Please Visit:

Office of Dean of Student Life

Caldwell Hall Room 201


Office of Residential Life

1901 Fluker